The Quick Start Guide To A Casual Game Of Disc Golf

So, You want to go play a game of Disc Golf with some friends, but you don't know how? There are plenty of articles out there getting into the nitty gritty of the rules of disc golf, or even simplifying the PDGA's rules for us mere mortals. But if you've never played and you just want to have a fun time throwing a frisbee around, chances are you don't want to read 10 pages of rules first, so here at The Disc Basket, we've put together this your quick start guide to disc golf just for you. Without further ado:

1. Throw from the tee pad. There might be a concrete pad or some kind of defined tee area, but if not, just stand next to the little sign.

2. Before you do that though, check the signage for "mando's", hazards, or out of bounds areas.
  • A Mando is an obstacle which is mandatory for you to throw past, check which way the arrow is pointing, you want to throw to that side of it, if you miss collect your disc and start your next throw adjacent to the obstacle on the correct side. add  1 penalty throw to your score.
  • If you land in a hazard, Start your next throw as usual but add  1 penalty throw to your score.
  • If you land in an out of bounds area, collect your disc and start your next throw from about where it entered the OB area. Add 1 penalty throw to your score.

3. Start your next throw from where your disc landed. One foot needs to be behind where the disc landed. If you want to throw the same disc again, use your little mini disc and place it in front of the disc (closest to the basket) before picking it up.

4. Throw the disc into the basket. Once you've made your way down the fairway, you want to land your disc in the basket, it must land in the bottom of the basket or in the chains. Landing on top doesn't count, nor does bouncing off any part of the basket.

5. Record your score. Add up how many throws it took you to get to into the basket, plus any penalties, and note it on your score card for the corresponding hole.

Rinse and repeat for each hole. And that's it! Once you've finished playing, add up your totals, and since bizarrely, the aim of disc golf is to play the least amount of disc golf possible, the player with the lowest score wins!

Obviously, if you want to start playing in more formal settings you'll want to familiarise yourself with the more in-depth rules. But this is plenty to get you started. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy your game of disc golf!
The Quick Start Guide To A Casual Game Of Disc Golf
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